
Saturday, February 28, 2004

Here are the pictures I took of the new tank setup. you can see the new coralife pc lighting on top of the aquarium as well. very nice lights, I must say.

new anemone
my colt, candy and xenia
frags of a mushroom and a carpet I think
frags and the green star polyps I have had for a while
overall pitucre of the tank
The 33 gal tank is doing extremely well. I have given up on the metal halide idea, as it was going to be too costly, and just too bright. So I was going to buy a ballast for new lighting with reg flourescent lights, but when I was at the LFS they showed me a set of power compact lighting setup that is 2X96 watt system. I got a great deal on it since it was a display, and it was only a display for less than a week (score)
I also picked up some more live rock, and a nice sized anenome for the clowns to live in. Hopefully this one will live longer than the last one. Still havent had a chance to take pictures, but hopefully soon. Just need to find the battery charger for the camera.

Sunday, February 22, 2004

Since I have just moved, we decided that instead of having 2 small salt tanks, we should just have 1 large one, so I combined both of the small tanks into the 33gallon fresh tank I had going, and it looks great. Everything has survived so far, we will see over the next couple of days. The plate coral that I thought had died on me, has miraculously recovered and is growing strong again. The Colt coral is doing ok, but it is slowly dying, not sure why, but hoping that placing a MH light over the tank instead of a bunch of t8's will help alot. will post new pictures once I have a chance to unpack the camera and get everything going again.

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