
Tuesday, July 08, 2003

July 8
After talking to the people at the LFS about the problems with the coral, he suggested to test the calcium amount in the tank, and if it was low, add a calcium supplement. So I bought the calcium test ( btw I purchased the ph/alkalinity,ammonia,nitrate, and nitrite test already) and tested the water. The calcium level was at 300ppm and it should be 400-450 when there are corals in the tank. So I added what is called Aragmilk, which is a calcium buffer, and I will test the water again in a couple of days since it takes about 1-3 days for the calcium supplement to finally level out in the aquarium. I also purchased a digital thermometer for the tank because the ones that you just stick to the side of the tank are not very accurate at all. I compared the temperatures of 3 different types of thermometers. one was the floating type, and it was almost 4 degrees off the actual temp. the stick on kind was about 1-2 degrees off. So depending on how accurate you need to be, go for the digital one.This is my tank now
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