
Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Funny story for all of you that have seen Finding Nemo. We Bought the DvD the other day, and watched it at home for the very first time. Now You know the part where Nemo has to block the filter with the gravel to stop it from turning so they coudl escape? well the next morning I woke up and went to feed the fish in my tank and my goby was stuck in the intake tube of my filter, dead. so a warning to all, remeber to block the end of the intake tube with something if it isnt.

Now for something on a lighter note. I needed to pick up a couple of cleaner shrimp, so I went to the LFS and got 2, and while I was there, I noticed that they got starfish in. They werent overly expensive, so I decided to get one and see how he does. Here is a picture of him ->

Coraline algea is growing extremely well in my tank all of a sudden, all over my filter, powerhead and the rocks, mostly purple and red. Hopefully it will make some of the rocks look a little nicer.

It looks like the Green Star Polyps have attached to the rock, and I have taken the rubber band off of it, however the other 2 are still struggling, especially the colt coral.

Friday, November 07, 2003

I got my new digital camera, a canon SD-10. Awesome 4megapixel camera that takes great pictures especially up close. So here are some of the pictures I took of the new stuff in my tank
One of the new corals
The new zooanthid
Either pineapple coral, or a brain coral not sure which
Another view of pineapple coral
The new Zooanthid
A better picture of my older zooanthid
Not sure if this is another coral I got for foree from the live rock
The Green Star Polyp I got as well

Saturday, November 01, 2003

My brother's reef tank is getting quite large now, and he is starting to cut the corals back to keep them at a desirable size. So he offered me some of the cuttings. He gave me a frag of Colt Coral, Green Star Polyp, and a frag of a Zooanthid. They are being secured to the live rock in my tank with rubber bands, and hopefully they will secure themselves to the rock quickly and grow so I can start fragging it as well. The Green Chromis that I bought also died, of unknown causes.

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